Exploring The Evolution Of Casino Games Through the Years
Having The Right Level Of Online Bingo Ethics
The Impact Of Online Betting On Your Bottom Line
Did You Know that as Many as 80% of Index Traders Lose?
I think one spread betting firm was telling me this figure is even nearer to 90%! There are many people who can be heard talking about this and 사설토토사이트. This goes on to show what a difficult and very addictive game spread betting or even futures trading on indices can be. If you have any gambling genes this kind of trading finds you out and you ought to stop immediately. Spread betting firms love index traders and that’s where they make a lot of their profits. I think indexes should be played only as part of an overall balanced strategy. Such as perhaps a longer-term FTSE short during an obvious bear market like that of 2008.
I remember in my early days how I got sucked into index trading using spread betting and lost a load of capital in this adrenalin fuelled way of trading. At home, the laptop never left my side and I couldn’t think of much else at work. Everything started to suffer. I was simply gambling and I think it was the closest I have ever come to an addiction.
Now I’ve never really gambled before but I was gambling then and got a real fright. My wife’s a psychologist and after she’d finished beating me to a pulp she helped me come up with some strategies to control my index trading. The most successful of which is that before I place any trade I imagine myself explaining to her the reasons why I’m placing it and think about her reaction, i.e. is she going to be upset or be pleased!? I found that every time I tried explaining the case for placing a rash index spread bet I’d feel guilty because she’d be upset. This realisation helped me to feel guilty about placing poorly thought out trades!
I think this is a form of conditioned aversion to placing trades which most traders don’t think through. I’ve only traded indices a handful of times since, when the market seemed very likely at a top or bottom and there was a genuine case for the trade.
Probably at the time I was trying to do too much too quickly so I stopped to just focus on learning and trading shares – developing a routine that suits the time I have available.
Also, I’ve found myself naturally being drawn back to trading small to mid-cap, good value shares as when I have to ‘pitch’ them to my wife (in my head) they seem to make the strongest cases (a bit of natural selection of trades going on I think). I can’t trade anything more exotic because if I don’t understand it, I can’t make a case for it.
So be careful if you are a beginner dabbling in index trading for it can be very dangerous in the hands of the unwary – if you really want to spread bet on indices at least do so with small stakes!
What Stops Me from Making a Living with Sports Betting?
Are you making a living with sports betting? If you aren’t then perhaps you should ask yourself the question “What stops me from making a living with sports betting?”. If you are tempted to answer “I am just not getting the games right” you are probably wrong. Almost all of the time, this is not the case although people will tell you otherwise.
I have discussed in another article that you can be profitable with even 30% success rate as long as you risk-reward ration is big enough. So stop blaming your games or your predictions, because they are not the problem.”If they are not the problem what is the problem?” you might ask. That’s what we are going to find out. I will show you an example of how to analyze your bets to find the core of the problem.
I am not going to be making a living with sports betting for a major reason: lack of discipline. Looking over my past bets, I have realized that I cannot take emotions out of the game. As soon as I make decent amount of profit, I rush to stake it all, or at least a major part of it. This is the exact opposite of what I have been talking about, the whole risk “no more than 1%-2% of your total” speech.
Another reason why I fail, is because I do not always check my risk-reward ratio and end up with something insignificantly small and not worth playing. Do you see now how easy is to find your problem(s). If you feel like you can’t change them, then it’s better to face reality and understand that you will never make a living with sports betting! I do not want to discourage you, but let’s face it, you cannot miss any of the important qualities for being successful in this business.
I have discussed numerous times that you have to posses, discipline,money management, some basic logic and math. Look at me for example, I was always good at math, and analysis, I am sure with some work I can get the money management aspect out of my way, but it’s my discipline that I just cannot change. This is why I actually stopped dealing with Foreign Exchange Market, and Sports Betting.
So be honest with yourself, and get to the bottom of your problem; then you should check https://tunasbola.org/link-alternatif-sbobet/ for the issues because they have all the system for the gambling which can help the people who wants to acquire the knowledge about the game. If you feel like you can fix it, great go ahead and work on it, if you feel like you can’t then just be a casual gambler and don’t get your hopes up for something more. Don’t fall in denial, thinking that you can outsmart the system and that you know better. You will just get yourself in debt, and that hole is like a quick sand, the more you gamble the deeper you get in.
Hopefully I have helped you if not find, at least think about what can be stopping you from making a living with sports betting. As long as you are willing to change and work on the problems, you will get what you want. Good luck to all of your sports bettors.
Portal 2 Review in brief! Check this out
The original Portal was one of the greatest games I’ve ever played. Yes, it was short (probably 4 or 5 hours) but that made it no less awesome. The idea was unique and mind boggling (and to this day, I still have friends who simply refuse to play out of sheer confusion with the concept of portals). But almost every gamer out there who played it was screaming one thing: MORE. And Valve has given it to us, albeit at a full $60 price tag, which they justify with a longer campaign and a co-op mode. So is it worth it, or are they just trying to get your money?
The answer to the latter question is no, but the answer to the first question is only sort of yes. Let me say this first – Portal 2 is phenomenal. There is nothing about it, really, that isn’t amazing. The story is great, the humor is spot on, the puzzles are clever without being frustrating, the graphics are good, and the co-op mode is nothing short of ground-breaking. So here’s the good before the bad:
Awesome. It’s the original Portal with new elements such as bouncing and speeding gels, light bridges, tractor beams, etc. These are not elements merely thrown in there – every single one is used with incredible purpose that is nothing short of brilliant. Add a great story into the mix and you have a game which literally never gets old throughout its entire 10 hours or so of length. The co-op, also, is great, giving you and a partner two different sets of portals rather than one.
Also great. The voice acting (especially Stephen Merchant as Wheatley), is stunning, and though the music is mostly minimal, it does its job.
I’d say this is one of the only parts of the game that didn’t impress me. They get the job done, but it simply doesn’t shine and stun like I thought it would. Some of the new environments are nice, but graphically what you’re getting here is basically a larger version of Portal 1.
This is the only part where I’d say Portal 2 stumbles over itself a bit. And that’s because, despite how incredible the single player and multiplayer is, and despite how much value Valve really tried to pack into this title, it’s still a $60 puzzle game. And like most of you probably know, a puzzle game doesn’t have a whole lot of replay value. Once you’ve figured out the puzzle, you’ve figured out the puzzle and than it will become more easier to understand the result outcomes in situs casino online. I’ve found that going through the single player again is fun but not really that exciting (it’s mostly to hear the funny parts of dialogue again) and unfortunately going through multiplayer again with a different person is just painful (it’s not so much a cooperation game the second time through as a partner-gets-stuck-and-you-tell-them-what-to-do kind of game). So if I’d knock points for anything here, it’s the fact that you’re paying for a $60 puzzle game, and once you get through the 15 hours of content or so, there is literally no incentive to go back in single player or multiplayer, which may make it more of a rental than a purchase for some.
This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get Portal 2, or that it isn’t good. But value is important in a game, because if you can’t replay it you just paid $60 for something to sit on your shelf. If you see Portal 2 for $40 or under, I’d say it is certainly worth a shot because it’s a fantastic experience. But if you’ve already waited this long and you’re not sure, wait a little longer.
Are You a Serious Gamer or Just a Player?
Many of you work for companies that provide a computer connected to the Internet and your number keeps growing. Also, almost everyone these days has a personal computer connected to the Internet at home. Many people like to play their favourite games on platforms such as Pkv which has made gaming quite easy for players.
What do you do when you get bored or need a break? A few years back, you would normally play Solitaire hoping your boss would not notice you. These days more and more people get online to play games. The offer is huge. You can play small animated games that help you get rid of boredom, or test your dexterity and intelligence, or addicting text based games. While being at home, the offer is even bigger due to games you can purchase and play not necessary online, but let’s get a bit into the deepest holes of online games.
People like those small Flash games. There’s no need for long lists of complicated rules or how-to-play tutorials, you just load it and play it using just a few keys on your keyboard or the mouse only. Sitting back on your chair in a break at work and enjoying it like this can be extremely relaxing. Many people use to play them during schedule too, but we all need a short break once in a while, don’t we?
Let’s get now into the text based games. Text based games do not have any graphics. They are text based. At first sight, they do not capture attention. But once you give the game a try and learn how to play it, things change. Many text based games are team based, so you get to interaction with people from all over the world. You get to know the people first and you easily discover the secrets of the game. Soon, you will start setting up schedules in the game. Let’s take for instance a warring game. You would like to be online when your team mates attack, so you all make a full organized wave. A few months later you will start to go to sleep a bit later than normal or wake up a bit earlier, due to the game schedule, or wake up at 4 AM to do various things. So, in just a few years, you get addicted to such a game. They have a destructive effect on people.
Have you ever heard of World Of Warcraft (WOW)? WOW is a game people play online, in clans and teams. You might have seen in the news, or at the television, various cases of such addicted people. Let me give you a few samples. One female WOW player from UK died after spending almost 5 days in front of the computer playing. Previously, her husband also abandoned her. How about the shooter Counter Strike fanatic who bought a gun and started to actually play Counter Strike on the street, in the real life?
However, good things happen too due to these addictive online games. As many people interaction inside, they get to know each other very good and some of them even build strong relationships and travel half the Earth just to get to the other one and get married. There are a few such happy cases too, but unfortunately, the sad shocking cases prevail.
Basically, online games, as long as not those simple, small Flash games, cause the destruction of a man. So stick to the simple games you play at work while your boss is not watching and that would be infinitely better than becoming one of those who lose their human side.