A continuation bet, or cBet, is an increasingly common moved employed by players on the flop.
This move has been popularized by the most famous habitual cBettor in poker, Mr. Barry Greenstein, who will usually employ it on any flop in which he took the preflop lead.
What is a continuation bet?
A continuation bet in Texas Hold’em refers to a bet made on the flop when you were the preflop aggressor. If you raised the action preflop, you continue playing the hand aggressively after the flop has been dealt by making a bet.
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Why should I continuation bet?
Continuation betting is an important move to have in your poker arsenal.
The advantage of cbetting is pretty obvious: you can often win the pot immediately even when you miss the flop. Also, if you cbet frequently, it will be harder for your opponents to distinguish whether or not the flop helped your hand. Your goal when cbetting should follow the basic principle of betting: to either take down the pot immediately, especially when you have a fairly weak hand, or to start building a bigger pot when you flop a strong hand or a strong draw.
The reason cbetting is effective is because unpaired preflop hands fail to connect with the flop approximately 2/3 of the time. If you’re facing a weak player who will fold whenever they miss the flop, you are guaranteed to win roughly 2/3 of the hands that go to a flop. The opportunity often presents itself in shorthanded poker games because typically you are forced to raise more hands preflop.
When should I continuation bet?
There are 4 situations when it is profitable to continuation bet:
When you have a made hand and you are betting for value. When you have a strong draw with significant outs to improve and win a big pot if called. When you miss the flop but have position and your opponent will often fold to a single bet. When you miss the flop but can realistically represent having a pair or better.
When you flop a good hand and want to start building the pot, the best place to start is by making a cbet on the flop. By mostly betting when you make a strong hand, you will be better able to disguise your cbet bluffs. You should also cbet your strong draws, such as straight draws, flush draws, and combo draws like a pair and a flush draw or over cards and a flush draw.
When you miss the flop on a dry board like KK2 or Q83, it’s just as likely to have missed your opponent as well. Using a continuation bet will often take down the pot immediately with a good rate of success, depending on your table image. If you are perceived to be tight, your bets will be given more respect, so it is generally a mistake not to continuation bet.
When shouldn’t I continuation bet?
When you’re out of position, you shouldn’t cbet very often. You should usually only cbet when you hit the flop or against very weak passive opponents. If you habitually cbet out of position, you’ll need to make sure you also frequently bet on the turn. Many aggressive opponents will float the flop against a habitual cbettor when they have position on a dry flop, and try to take the pot away on the turn, so it’s usually better just to save your chips.
When deciding if you should continuation bet, look at your opponent’s tendencies and try to put them on a range of hands so you can determine if the flop hit them or not. You don’t want to cbet very often against loose calling stations or aggressive players. Calling stations will call you down with bottom pair, so unless you have a made hand you should only continuation bet for value against these types of players. Aggressive players will also give you less credit for a hand when you make a continuation bet and often check raise the flop or call with the intention of bluffing on later streets. Against aggressive players you should cbet less and try to bigger pots with your strong hands.
Finally, even if you have position, it is often a bad idea to cbet on a bluff in a multi way pot. In hands with multiple players, there is a much greater chance another player has hit the flop. In these situations, it’s often a good idea to try a delayed continuation bet, which means checking your action and betting the turn if no one else shows any signs of aggression. Continuation bets on the flop are most effective against one opponent.
How often should I continuation bet?
As with most things in poker, it depends. You shouldn’t be aiming to cbet a certain % of the time, because the move is very situational. However, if you are cbetting more than 75% of the time, that would generally be considered continuation betting too often.
Final Thoughts
Adding the cbet to your gave should improve your profits, but it’s important that you use in the right situations. Continuation betting too frequently is a typical leak of many players who are new to the concept. Make sure you use it wisely and try your best to remember the rules of why we bet in poker. If you do, the cbet will help you become a force at the tables.